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Eat Healthily

An important part of living a healthy lifestyle is eating a well-balanced diet. Besides leaning towards a KETO diet, I also place a strong emphasis on the different anti-inflammatory aspects of the Mediterranean and MIND diets. I also consciously steer away from foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates and have a high GI (glycaemic index). As a result, I only rarely eat pasta, rice and bread. Deserts including icecream are off the menu. However, I will occasionally treat myself to a piece of cheesecake. 

For example, my morning breakfast consists of a bowl of probiotic muesli with natural yoghurt and a cup of white coffee. On the days that I do morning swim squads, I also have a toasted slice of sourdough bread with either peanut butter, Vegemite or sliced tomato. Lunch often consists of a smoothie with two boiled eggs. 

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